The Customer MasterPlan Model

The Customer MasterPlan Model is at the heart of eCommerce Marketing: How to Get Traffic that BUYS to your Website.

customer masterplan model from ecommerce marketing book

It is eCommerce and sales reduced to 6 circles and a handful of arrows.

To be successful you need to persuade your customers to move from the left hand side to the right hand side.

Key parts of the Customer MasterPlan Model

Let’s start with the 6 circles.

These are the Customer Relationship Levels:

  • “The World” is everyone in the whole world!
  • “Visitors” are the people who’ve actually visited your website
  • “Enquirers” are the people who have signed up to your email marketing
  • “First Time Buyers” are those who have bought for the first time
  • “Repeat Buyers” have bought more than once
  • “Regular Buyers” are your perfect customers, they just keep buying

Then we have the 5 stages (each marketing campaign you do should be focused on one of these Stages – moving customers up through the Customer Relationship Levels):

  • Stage 1 – identify who you want to attract to your website from the world, and find the right marketing and messages to get them there
  • Stage 2 – create a good first impression and do everything you can to get that email address
  • Stage 3 – getting the first sale, the marketing you use to get people back to the site again, and Conversion Rate Optimisation
    of course, it’s fine for a customer to jump straight from “The World” to “First Time Buyer!”
  • Stage 4 – the delivery, customer service, and marketing activity required to get another sale
  • Stage 5 – what can we learn from these great customers to make the whole business better?

Then there are the 3 arrows above:

  • The CLV Arrow (this one goes up from left to right) and it stands for Customer Lifetime Value, representing how a customer is worth more to you the further they get across the model
  • The Man Arrow (the one goes down from left to right) and it represents how there are fewer customers to work with at each Customer Relationship Level
  • The Conversation Arrow – this is how you supercharge the model. The Conversation is all about how you need to be consistent with your messages and actions. If the customer receives a consistent experience they will move much faster from the left to the right.

That is the Customer MasterPlan Model – if you want to understand more about it and get it working in your business – then get hold of a copy of the book! Full details of how to do that are here.